Thursday 5 June 2014

My dreams WILL come true!!!!!!

Bridge the Gap - 05/06/2014

Hello again to all of you who are following my journey and i apologise for not having been around for a few days. Here is a little quote of mine from my facebook page, to show you just how passionate i am feeling about the Juice Plus+ products.

 Three weeks ago i thought my life would be a constant struggle to pay the rent and bills and to put food on the table! Now i have hope because of inspirational people like Hayley Phillips who introduced me to Juice Plus+, i now have more hope for the future than i have had in a long time! I can now look at booking my wedding finally, and a holiday and even a new house! I know i WILL be successful and i WILL achieve my goals and dreams! Watch out this baby Rhino is on the move!

I truly believe that these products work. To dispel any myths you may or may not have heard i will explain these products to you.

 First there is the juice plus flagship product that are the juice plus+ capsules, these are NOT a diet supplement, they are a nutritional supplement to 'bridge the gap'. What this means is that no matter what you eat during the day sometimes it is just impossible to get your guideline daily amount of fruit and veg! So contained in the three types of capsules (combined) there is the essence of 26 different types of fruit and veg. So you take the capsules everyday and you know that you have your guideline daily amount with no effort and you 'bridge the gap' if you don't get your RDA. The other grate thing about these capsules is that once you start taking them your cravings change, where as once you were craving chocolate now you are craving carrots and kale and this is because of the large amount of  fruit and veggies in the caps, when you take them its like you are binge eating which then causes you to crave that food type more!

The juice plus complete shakes are a meal replacement, to help aid weight loss, they are also used to help gain weight or muscle because they are quite high in protein and would normally be used post workout . Like any meal replacement shake on the market they are relatively high in protein allowing for 19g per serving. Hence why if you are looking to lose weight they are a meal replacement and if you are looking to gain muscle they are used as a post workout shake. On the other hand  if you are looking to gain weight and NOT muscle, because of illness or something else, then it would be used as an extra meal per day! The complete range was never designed to be a meal replacement plan it was designed as a pre and post workout drink. The diet was designed by people working for juice plus alongside nutritionists so just be aware that the diet plan/detox is not run by juice plus+ but they do recognise it!

And then there is the juice plus shape range which i will talk about another day, I am off to bed to get my beauty sleep!

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