Monday 10 November 2014

I Am Back

Hi guys, sorry for having been away for so long , but had a few things going on in my life that kept it that way. 

My baby sister got married to a wonderful man, i hosted my first Juice Plus+ event, i moved house and i made some life changing decisions!

First of all the last time i spoke to you all i was living in North Cork, I am now in Roscrea, Tipperary, my family home. I am a much happier person now that i am near my family! Any one who reads my blogg knows that although i am a bit of a health freak i do like the odd glass of vino, so next week i will be putting up a list of good white wines that are affordable :) I will also be putting up a 14 day fitness regime and healthy food plan that co-insides with juice plus+.

My sisters wedding was amazing, and once i am aloud to put up they will be here, but untill then you will have to wait! My JP event went better than i expected and couldn't have asked for a better turn out and then i moved house!

My new house is tiny compared to what i lived in before, but i am happier, my little girl is now going to creche and i have three mornings to myself, and am not cleaning constantly. i am now a member of the local gym and love  it

I will post properly tomorrow  but hope you are all happy i am back

Rachel Rennie

Saturday 21 June 2014

Taking Away the Ignorance!


Hi all sorry i haven't been keeping up to date with my blogg but for those of you who keep up to date with my facebook account you will know that my parents were visiting me last week, so i was a little preoccupied! I hope you are all well and for those of you taking your Juice Plus caps and/or complete everyday keep at it because the results you will see will be amazing i know i am seeing results i didn't think possible!

Now over the last few weeks i have had many people say to me that Juice Plus is a fad diet or just a money making scheme for the makers of Juice Plus, NSA. This is wrong and shows some ingnorance on their part to the point that they won't listen to the facts of the company. So for those of you reading this thinking " well i don't want to be on shakes for the rest of my life!" or "the weight will pile back on once this is over with", you are wrong and here is why!

  • NSA are long standing company with over 40 years running
  • Juice Plus is a part of NSA and has been running since 1993 (21years)
  • Juice Plus is not a diet program
  • The detox program that many people(including myself) do is not run by juice plus , it is in fact a diet program that was put together by distributors of juice plus and nutritionists to give people a healthier lifestyle, and the bonus is that you can lose weight
  • Juice Plus in general is there to give you the nutrients you do not get in everyday life
  • It is not a quick fix as many people think
  • Juice Plus IS a lifestyle change
  • You won't be on the shakes for the rest of your life, as it is there to help the weight loss, once you are at your ideal weight the pounds shouldn't pile back on because you are eating the correct whole foods and not processed rubbish!
If Juice Plus was a money making scheme it would not have been around for over the last 20 years! It would not be a growing company and i certainly would not be involved! For me, i wanted my daughter to have a secure upbringing with out having to worry about where the next penny was coming from , and at the same time to give her a good work ethic. So please all you doubters out there just take a look at my website to actually find out the facts, don't make a decision before finding out the true information. If you are listening to joe bloggs down the pub, and he sits in there everyday with nothing better do do than drink, then think to yourself "why am i listening to this guy" go and find the information for yourself and make and informed decision. That is all that anyone asks!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Belly Busting - More Weight Lost!

I Didn't think i had lost anything!!!! - 08/06/2014

Wow i really didn't think i had lost anything this week, and then i took my pics, i can't weight to stand on the scales on Wednesday to see how much i have lost. For those of you that don't know i started my journey three weeks ago wieghing 11st 12 and i have not yet given into the temptation of the scales, so seeing my pictures tonight i will be weighing myself Wednesday morning, really excited! Any how here  are my before and now pictures, as i have said before my before and after pictures will not be going up untill i have completed my journey! If you would like any info on this product or any of the other products that juice plus do then please email me or follow the link to my website i am happy to answer any questions

The Newest Arrival to Juice Plus+

These Products help do help with Weight Loss! - 08/06/2014

So i said i would give you info on the Juice plus shape range, these are different to the Premium capsules and Complete shake in that it is designed to benefit weight loss or maintaining a desired weight!Juice Plus Shape is an all round health package. It is packed with innovative products and motivational aids. The successfulness of the juice plus shape programme is based on the interaction of a healthy variety of meals and the especially developed nutritional products. The programme is based on you having three meals a day, and consists of four areas: start, reduction, integration and stabilization, and depending on what point you are at will depend on you having one or two meal replacement products per day in lieu of your breakfast or lunch, or both.But remember that you need the motivation to do this.

Thursday 5 June 2014

My dreams WILL come true!!!!!!

Bridge the Gap - 05/06/2014

Hello again to all of you who are following my journey and i apologise for not having been around for a few days. Here is a little quote of mine from my facebook page, to show you just how passionate i am feeling about the Juice Plus+ products.

 Three weeks ago i thought my life would be a constant struggle to pay the rent and bills and to put food on the table! Now i have hope because of inspirational people like Hayley Phillips who introduced me to Juice Plus+, i now have more hope for the future than i have had in a long time! I can now look at booking my wedding finally, and a holiday and even a new house! I know i WILL be successful and i WILL achieve my goals and dreams! Watch out this baby Rhino is on the move!

I truly believe that these products work. To dispel any myths you may or may not have heard i will explain these products to you.

 First there is the juice plus flagship product that are the juice plus+ capsules, these are NOT a diet supplement, they are a nutritional supplement to 'bridge the gap'. What this means is that no matter what you eat during the day sometimes it is just impossible to get your guideline daily amount of fruit and veg! So contained in the three types of capsules (combined) there is the essence of 26 different types of fruit and veg. So you take the capsules everyday and you know that you have your guideline daily amount with no effort and you 'bridge the gap' if you don't get your RDA. The other grate thing about these capsules is that once you start taking them your cravings change, where as once you were craving chocolate now you are craving carrots and kale and this is because of the large amount of  fruit and veggies in the caps, when you take them its like you are binge eating which then causes you to crave that food type more!

The juice plus complete shakes are a meal replacement, to help aid weight loss, they are also used to help gain weight or muscle because they are quite high in protein and would normally be used post workout . Like any meal replacement shake on the market they are relatively high in protein allowing for 19g per serving. Hence why if you are looking to lose weight they are a meal replacement and if you are looking to gain muscle they are used as a post workout shake. On the other hand  if you are looking to gain weight and NOT muscle, because of illness or something else, then it would be used as an extra meal per day! The complete range was never designed to be a meal replacement plan it was designed as a pre and post workout drink. The diet was designed by people working for juice plus alongside nutritionists so just be aware that the diet plan/detox is not run by juice plus+ but they do recognise it!

And then there is the juice plus shape range which i will talk about another day, I am off to bed to get my beauty sleep!

Sunday 1 June 2014

Belly Buster - Nearly Gone

The Inches are Coming Off - 01/06/2014

So as many of you know i took some before photos around two weeks ago and wanted to share my progress with you, i have lost 7lbs in two weeks of being on the juice plus plan.  I am over the moon and so proud of myself! I am going to keep pushing myself to be at my goal of a size ten by the time of my sisters hen weekend at the end of July! So here goes , here are the before and now pictures (the after pictures will come once i hit my target goal!).

I can see some difference in my size but my loss in weight is what i am most happy about! I am going to be starting on the shakes in eight days time and really looking forward to it, i am sure i will be seeing more weight loss then.

So yesterday was a busy day, I went to the english market in cork city, i love it there the smell of fresh produce just hits you as you walk in . The hustle and bustle of the place makes it a small mecca for food in the heart of the city. My little girl loved it to walking around and meeting the stall holders, so friendly and they all commented on how good she was. We then went up to Mallow to pick up some bits for the hubby and then off to Killarney to get my new patio furniture and BBQ. The patio set was bought but we were told that the shop was out of  stock for the BBQ we wanted and the only place that had one was Tralee! So off we went! By the time we arrived home yesterday evening it was nearly 8pm, it was certainly a long day but totally worth it!

So if you have any interest in learning any more about my weight loss journey and how i became involved with the amazing product that is juice plus just email me or send me a text:) Or if you already know the juice plus story and are wanting to purchase any of the products just follow the link below to the website.